CERFACS Chemistry Sharing knowledge for CFD chemical kinetics

Cantera tutorials

In this section, you can find a general presentation of Cantera as well as some tutorials :


Working on NFS with jupyter notebook

1. Connect on NFS. Type module load cantera

2. Create password for session, type mkdir $HOME/.jupiter and juptyter notebook password

3. Type jupyter notebook and get the port number used, here it is 8889

[I 15:36:48.209 NotebookApp] The Jupyter Notebook is running at
   [I 15:36:48.209 NotebookApp] http://localhost:8889/

4. On a session on your device, create a tunnel between your device and NFS, for instance with baal :

ssh -N -f -L localhost:8888:localhost:8889 baal

5. Open your browser and type localhost:8888

To check that the port number is available, type :
netstat -an | grep 8888

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