Help on Solution in module cantera.composite object:
class Solution(cantera.transport.Transport, cantera.kinetics.Kinetics, cantera.thermo.ThermoPhase)
| A class for chemically-reacting solutions. Instances can be created to
| represent any type of solution -- a mixture of gases, a liquid solution, or
| a solid solution, for example.
| Class `Solution` derives from classes `ThermoPhase`, `Kinetics`, and
| `Transport`. It defines no methods of its own, and is provided so that a
| single object can be used to compute thermodynamic, kinetic, and transport
| properties of a solution.
| To skip initialization of the Transport object, pass the keyword argument
| ``transport_model=None`` to the `Solution` constructor.
| The most common way to instantiate `Solution` objects is by using a phase
| definition, species and reactions defined in an input file::
| gas = ct.Solution('gri30.yaml')
| If an input file defines multiple phases, the corresponding key in the
| ``phases`` map can be used to specify the desired phase via the ``name`` keyword
| argument of the constructor::
| gas = ct.Solution('diamond.yaml', name='gas')
| diamond = ct.Solution('diamond.yaml', name='diamond')
| The name of the `Solution` object defaults to the *phase* identifier
| specified in the input file. Upon initialization of a `Solution` object,
| a custom name can assigned via::
| = 'my_custom_name'
| `Solution` objects can also be constructed using `Species` and `Reaction`
| objects which can themselves either be imported from input files or defined
| directly in Python::
| spec = ct.Species.list_from_file("gri30.yaml")
| spec_gas = ct.Solution(thermo='ideal-gas', species=spec)
| rxns = ct.Reaction.list_from_file("gri30.yaml", spec_gas)
| gas = ct.Solution(thermo='ideal-tas', kinetics='gas',
| species=spec, reactions=rxns, name='my_custom_name')
| where the ``thermo`` and ``kinetics`` keyword arguments are strings
| specifying the thermodynamic and kinetics model, respectively, and
| ``species`` and ``reactions`` keyword arguments are lists of `Species` and
| `Reaction` objects, respectively. Note that importing the reactions from a
| YAML input file requires a `Kinetics` object containing the species, as
| shown.
| Types of underlying models that form the composite `Solution` object are
| queried using the ``thermo_model``, ``kinetics_model`` and
| ``transport_model`` attributes; further, the ``composite`` attribute is a
| shorthand returning a tuple containing the types of the three constitutive
| models.
| For non-trivial uses cases of this functionality, see the examples
| ` <>`_
| and ` <>`_.
| In addition, `Solution` objects can be constructed by passing the text of
| the YAML phase definition in directly, using the ``yaml`` keyword
| argument::
| yaml_def = '''
| phases:
| - name: gas
| thermo: ideal-gas
| kinetics: gas
| elements: [O, H, Ar]
| species:
| - gri30.yaml/species: all
| reactions:
| - gri30.yaml/reactions: declared-species
| skip-undeclared-elements: true
| skip-undeclared-third-bodies: true
| state: {T: 300, P: 1 atm}
| '''
| gas = ct.Solution(yaml=yaml_def)
| Method resolution order:
| Solution
| cantera.transport.Transport
| cantera.kinetics.Kinetics
| cantera.thermo.ThermoPhase
| cantera.solutionbase._SolutionBase
| builtins.object
| Methods inherited from cantera.transport.Transport:
| __init__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
| Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
| __reduce_cython__(...)
| __setstate_cython__(...)
| get_binary_diff_coeffs_polynomial(self, i, j)
| Get the polynomial fit to the logarithm of temperature for
| the binary diffusion coefficient of species ``i`` and ``j``.
| get_collision_integral_polynomials(self, i, j)
| Get the polynomial fit to the logarithm of temperature for
| the collision integral of species ``i`` and ``j``.
| get_thermal_conductivity_polynomial(self, i)
| Get the polynomial fit to the logarithm of temperature for
| the thermal conductivity of species ``i``.
| get_viscosity_polynomial(self, i)
| Get the polynomial fit to the logarithm of temperature for
| the viscosity of species ``i``.
| set_binary_diff_coeffs_polynomial(self, i, j, values)
| Set the polynomial fit to the logarithm of temperature for
| the binary diffusion coefficient of species ``i`` and ``j``.
| set_collision_integral_polynomial(self, i, j, avalues, bvalues, cvalues, actualT)
| Get the polynomial fit to the logarithm of temperature for
| the collision integral of species ``i`` and ``j``.
| set_thermal_conductivity_polynomial(self, i, values)
| Set the polynomial fit to the logarithm of temperature for
| the thermal conductivity of species ``i``.
| set_viscosity_polynomial(self, i, values)
| Set the polynomial fit to the logarithm of temperature for
| the viscosity of species ``i``.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Static methods inherited from cantera.transport.Transport:
| __new__(*args, **kwargs) from builtins.type
| Create and return a new object. See help(type) for accurate signature.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors inherited from cantera.transport.Transport:
| CK_mode
| Boolean to indicate if the chemkin interpretation is used.
| binary_diff_coeffs
| Binary diffusion coefficients [m^2/s].
| electrical_conductivity
| Electrical conductivity. [S/m].
| mix_diff_coeffs
| Mixture-averaged diffusion coefficients [m^2/s] relating the
| mass-averaged diffusive fluxes (with respect to the mass averaged
| velocity) to gradients in the species mole fractions.
| mix_diff_coeffs_mass
| Mixture-averaged diffusion coefficients [m^2/s] relating the
| diffusive mass fluxes to gradients in the species mass fractions.
| mix_diff_coeffs_mole
| Mixture-averaged diffusion coefficients [m^2/s] relating the
| molar diffusive fluxes to gradients in the species mole fractions.
| mobilities
| Electrical mobilities of charged species [m^2/s-V]
| multi_diff_coeffs
| Multicomponent diffusion coefficients, D[i,j], the diffusion
| coefficient for species i due to concentration gradients in
| species j [m**2/s].
| species_viscosities
| Pure species viscosities [Pa-s]
| thermal_conductivity
| Thermal conductivity. [W/m/K]
| thermal_diff_coeffs
| Return a one-dimensional array of the species thermal diffusion
| coefficients [kg/m/s].
| transport_model
| Get/Set the transport model associated with this transport model.
| Setting a new transport model deletes the underlying C++ Transport
| object and replaces it with a new one implementing the specified model.
| viscosity
| Viscosity [Pa-s].
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from cantera.kinetics.Kinetics:
| add_reaction(self, rxn)
| Add a new reaction to this phase.
| kinetics_species_index(self, species, phase)
| The index of species ``species`` of phase ``phase`` within arrays returned
| by methods of class `Kinetics`. If ``species`` is a string, the ``phase``
| argument is unused.
| kinetics_species_name(self, k)
| Name of the species with index ``k`` in the arrays returned by methods
| of class `Kinetics`.
| modify_reaction(self, irxn, rxn)
| Modify the `Reaction` with index ``irxn`` to have the same rate
| parameters as ``rxn``. ``rxn`` must have the same reactants and products
| and be of the same type (for example, `ElementaryReaction`, `FalloffReaction`,
| `PlogReaction`, etc.) as the existing reaction. This method does not
| modify the third-body efficiencies, reaction orders, or reversibility of
| the reaction.
| multiplier(self, i_reaction)
| A scaling factor applied to the rate coefficient for reaction
| ``i_reaction``. Can be used to carry out sensitivity analysis or to
| selectively disable a particular reaction. See `set_multiplier`.
| product_stoich_coeff(self, k_spec, i_reaction)
| The stoichiometric coefficient of species ``k_spec`` as a product in
| reaction ``i_reaction``.
| reactant_stoich_coeff(self, k_spec, i_reaction)
| The stoichiometric coefficient of species ``k_spec`` as a reactant in
| reaction ``i_reaction``.
| reaction(self, i_reaction)
| Return a `Reaction` object representing the reaction with index
| ``i_reaction``. Changes to this object do not affect the `Kinetics` or
| `Solution` object until the `modify_reaction` function is called.
| reaction_equations(self, indices)
| Returns a list containing the reaction equation for all reactions in the
| mechanism if ``indices`` is unspecified, or the equations for each
| reaction in the sequence ``indices``. For example::
| >>> gas.reaction_equations()
| ['2 O + M <=> O2 + M', 'O + H + M <=> OH + M', 'O + H2 <=> H + OH', ...]
| >>> gas.reaction_equations([2,3])
| ['O + H + M <=> OH + M', 'O + H2 <=> H + OH']
| See also `reaction_equation`.
| reactions(self)
| Return a list of all `Reaction` objects. Changes to these objects do not
| affect the `Kinetics` or `Solution` object until the `modify_reaction`
| function is called.
| reset_custom(self)
| Function calling the dlclose in CustomKinetics
| in order to close the dynamic library (handle)
| set_multiplier(self, value, i_reaction)
| Set the multiplier for for reaction ``i_reaction`` to ``value``.
| If ``i_reaction`` is not specified, then the multiplier for all reactions
| is set to ``value``. See `multiplier`.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors inherited from cantera.kinetics.Kinetics:
| creation_rates
| Creation rates for each species. [kmol/m^3/s] for bulk phases or
| [kmol/m^2/s] for surface phases.
| creation_rates_ddC
| Calculate derivatives of species creation rates with respect to molar
| concentration at constant temperature, pressure and mole fractions.
| .. warning::
| This property is an experimental part of the Cantera API and
| may be changed or removed without notice.
| creation_rates_ddCi
| Calculate derivatives for species creation rates with respect to species
| concentration at constant temperature, pressure, and concentration of all other
| species. For sparse output, set ``ct.use_sparse(True)``.
| The method returns a matrix with `n_total_species` rows and `n_total_species`
| columns.
| For a derivative with respect to :math: `c_i`, all other :math: `c_i` are
| held constant.
| .. warning::
| This property is an experimental part of the Cantera API and
| may be changed or removed without notice.
| .. versionadded:: 3.0
| creation_rates_ddP
| Calculate derivatives of species creation rates with respect to pressure
| at constant temperature, molar concentration and mole fractions.
| creation_rates_ddT
| Calculate derivatives of species creation rates with respect to temperature
| at constant pressure, molar concentration and mole fractions.
| creation_rates_ddX
| Calculate derivatives for species creation rates with respect to species
| concentrations at constant temperature, pressure and molar concentration.
| For sparse output, set ``ct.use_sparse(True)``.
| Note that for derivatives with respect to :math:`X_i`, all other :math:`X_j`
| are held constant, rather than enforcing :math:`\sum X_j = 1`.
| .. warning::
| This property is an experimental part of the Cantera API and
| may be changed or removed without notice.
| delta_enthalpy
| Change in enthalpy for each reaction [J/kmol].
| delta_entropy
| Change in entropy for each reaction [J/kmol/K].
| delta_gibbs
| Change in Gibbs free energy for each reaction [J/kmol].
| delta_standard_enthalpy
| Change in standard-state enthalpy (independent of composition) for
| each reaction [J/kmol].
| delta_standard_entropy
| Change in standard-state entropy (independent of composition) for
| each reaction [J/kmol/K].
| delta_standard_gibbs
| Change in standard-state Gibbs free energy (independent of composition)
| for each reaction [J/kmol].
| derivative_settings
| Property setting behavior of derivative evaluation.
| For ``GasKinetics``, the following keyword/value pairs are supported:
| - ``skip-third-bodies`` (boolean) ... if `False` (default), third body
| concentrations are considered for the evaluation of derivatives
| - ``skip-falloff`` (boolean) ... if `True` (default), third-body effects
| on reaction rates are not considered.
| - ``rtol-delta`` (double) ... relative tolerance used to perturb properties
| when calculating numerical derivatives. The default value is 1e-8.
| Derivative settings are updated using a dictionary::
| >>> gas.derivative_settings = {"skip-falloff": True}
| Passing an empty dictionary will reset all values to their defaults.
| destruction_rates
| Destruction rates for each species. [kmol/m^3/s] for bulk phases or
| [kmol/m^2/s] for surface phases.
| destruction_rates_ddC
| Calculate derivatives of species destruction rates with respect to molar
| concentration at constant temperature, pressure and mole fractions.
| .. warning::
| This property is an experimental part of the Cantera API and
| may be changed or removed without notice.
| destruction_rates_ddCi
| Calculate derivatives for species destruction rates with respect to species
| concentration at constant temperature, pressure, and concentration of all other
| species. For sparse output, set ``ct.use_sparse(True)``.
| The method returns a matrix with `n_total_species` rows and `n_total_species` columns.
| For a derivative with respect to :math: `c_i`, all other :math: `c_i` are
| held constant.
| .. warning::
| This property is an experimental part of the Cantera API and
| may be changed or removed without notice.
| .. versionadded:: 3.0
| destruction_rates_ddP
| Calculate derivatives of species destruction rates with respect to pressure
| at constant temperature, molar concentration and mole fractions.
| destruction_rates_ddT
| Calculate derivatives of species destruction rates with respect to temperature
| at constant pressure, molar concentration and mole fractions.
| destruction_rates_ddX
| Calculate derivatives for species destruction rates with respect to species
| concentrations at constant temperature, pressure and molar concentration.
| For sparse output, set ``ct.use_sparse(True)``.
| Note that for derivatives with respect to :math:`X_i`, all other :math:`X_j`
| are held constant, rather than enforcing :math:`\sum X_j = 1`.
| .. warning::
| This property is an experimental part of the Cantera API and
| may be changed or removed without notice.
| equilibrium_constants
| Equilibrium constants in concentration units for all reactions.
| forward_rate_constants
| Forward rate constants for all reactions.
| The computed values include all temperature-dependent and pressure-dependent
| contributions. By default, third-body concentrations are only considered if
| they are part of the reaction rate definition; for a legacy implementation that
| includes third-body concentrations, see `use_legacy_rate_constants`.
| forward_rate_constants_ddC
| Calculate derivatives for forward rate constants with respect to molar
| concentration at constant temperature, pressure and mole fractions.
| .. warning::
| This property is an experimental part of the Cantera API and
| may be changed or removed without notice.
| forward_rate_constants_ddP
| Calculate derivatives for forward rate constants with respect to pressure
| at constant temperature, molar concentration and mole fractions.
| forward_rate_constants_ddT
| Calculate derivatives for forward rate constants with respect to temperature
| at constant pressure, molar concentration and mole fractions.
| forward_rates_of_progress
| Forward rates of progress for the reactions. [kmol/m^3/s] for bulk
| phases or [kmol/m^2/s] for surface phases.
| forward_rates_of_progress_ddC
| Calculate derivatives for forward rates-of-progress with respect to molar
| concentration at constant temperature, pressure and mole fractions.
| .. warning::
| This property is an experimental part of the Cantera API and
| may be changed or removed without notice.
| forward_rates_of_progress_ddCi
| Calculate derivatives for forward rates-of-progress with respect to species
| concentrations at constant temperature, pressure and remaining species
| concentrations.
| For sparse output, set ``ct.use_sparse(True)``.
| Note that for derivatives with respect to :math:`c_i`, all other :math:`c_j`
| are held constant.
| .. warning::
| This property is an experimental part of the Cantera API and
| may be changed or removed without notice.
| .. versionadded:: 3.0
| forward_rates_of_progress_ddP
| Calculate derivatives for forward rates-of-progress with respect to pressure
| at constant temperature, molar concentration and mole fractions.
| forward_rates_of_progress_ddT
| Calculate derivatives for forward rates-of-progress with respect to temperature
| at constant pressure, molar concentration and mole fractions.
| forward_rates_of_progress_ddX
| Calculate derivatives for forward rates-of-progress with respect to species
| concentrations at constant temperature, pressure and molar concentration.
| For sparse output, set ``ct.use_sparse(True)``.
| Note that for derivatives with respect to :math:`X_i`, all other :math:`X_j`
| are held constant, rather than enforcing :math:`\sum X_j = 1`.
| .. warning::
| This property is an experimental part of the Cantera API and
| may be changed or removed without notice.
| heat_production_rates
| Get the volumetric heat production rates [W/m^3] on a per-reaction
| basis. The sum over all reactions results in the total volumetric heat
| release rate.
| Example: C. K. Law: Combustion Physics (2006), Fig. 7.8.6
| >>> gas.heat_production_rates[1] # heat production rate of the 2nd reaction
| heat_release_rate
| Get the total volumetric heat release rate [W/m^3].
| kinetics_model
| Return type of kinetics.
| kinetics_species_names
| A list of all species names, corresponding to the arrays returned by
| methods of class `Kinetics`.
| n_phases
| Number of phases in the reaction mechanism.
| n_reactions
| Number of reactions in the reaction mechanism.
| n_total_species
| Total number of species in all phases participating in the kinetics
| mechanism.
| net_production_rates
| Net production rates for each species. [kmol/m^3/s] for bulk phases or
| [kmol/m^2/s] for surface phases.
| net_production_rates_ddC
| Calculate derivatives of species net production rates with respect to molar
| density at constant temperature, pressure and mole fractions.
| .. warning::
| This property is an experimental part of the Cantera API and
| may be changed or removed without notice.
| net_production_rates_ddCi
| Calculate derivatives for species net production rates with respect to species
| concentration at constant temperature, pressure, and concentration of all other
| species. For sparse output, set ``ct.use_sparse(True)``.
| The method returns a matrix with `n_total_species` rows and `n_total_species` columns.
| For a derivative with respect to :math: `c_i`, all other :math: `c_i` are
| held constant.
| .. warning::
| This property is an experimental part of the Cantera API and
| may be changed or removed without notice.
| .. versionadded:: 3.0
| net_production_rates_ddP
| Calculate derivatives of species net production rates with respect to pressure
| at constant temperature, molar concentration and mole fractions.
| net_production_rates_ddT
| Calculate derivatives of species net production rates with respect to
| temperature at constant pressure, molar concentration and mole fractions.
| net_production_rates_ddX
| Calculate derivatives for species net production rates with respect to species
| concentrations at constant temperature, pressure and molar concentration.
| For sparse output, set ``ct.use_sparse(True)``.
| Note that for derivatives with respect to :math:`X_i`, all other :math:`X_j`
| are held constant, rather than enforcing :math:`\sum X_j = 1`.
| .. warning::
| This property is an experimental part of the Cantera API and
| may be changed or removed without notice.
| net_rates_of_progress
| Net rates of progress for the reactions. [kmol/m^3/s] for bulk phases
| or [kmol/m^2/s] for surface phases.
| net_rates_of_progress_ddC
| Calculate derivatives for net rates-of-progress with respect to molar
| concentration at constant temperature, pressure and mole fractions.
| .. warning::
| This property is an experimental part of the Cantera API and
| may be changed or removed without notice.
| net_rates_of_progress_ddCi
| Calculate derivatives for net rates-of-progress with respect to species
| concentrations at constant temperature, pressure and remaining species
| concentrations. For sparse output, set ``ct.use_sparse(True)``.
| Note that for derivatives with respect to :math:`c_i`, all other :math:`c_j`
| are held constant.
| .. warning::
| This property is an experimental part of the Cantera API and
| may be changed or removed without notice.
| .. versionadded:: 3.0
| net_rates_of_progress_ddP
| Calculate derivatives for net rates-of-progress with respect to pressure
| at constant temperature, molar concentration and mole fractions.
| net_rates_of_progress_ddT
| Calculate derivatives for net rates-of-progress with respect to temperature
| at constant pressure, molar concentration and mole fractions.
| net_rates_of_progress_ddX
| Calculate derivatives for net rates-of-progress with respect to species
| concentrations at constant temperature, pressure and molar concentration.
| For sparse output, set ``ct.use_sparse(True)``.
| Note that for derivatives with respect to :math:`X_i`, all other :math:`X_j`
| are held constant, rather than enforcing :math:`\sum X_j = 1`.
| .. warning::
| This property is an experimental part of the Cantera API and
| may be changed or removed without notice.
| product_stoich_coeffs
| The array of product stoichiometric coefficients. Element ``[k,i]`` of
| this array is the product stoichiometric coefficient of species ``k`` in
| reaction ``i``.
| For sparse output, set ``ct.use_sparse(True)``.
| .. versionchanged:: 3.0
| Method was changed to a property in Cantera 3.0.
| product_stoich_coeffs3
| The array of product stoichiometric coefficients. Element ``[k,i]`` of
| this array is the product stoichiometric coefficient of species ``k`` in
| reaction ``i``.
| For sparse output, set ``ct.use_sparse(True)``.
| .. deprecated:: 3.0
| Method to be removed after Cantera 3.0. Replaceable by
| `Kinetics.product_stoich_coeffs`
| product_stoich_coeffs_reversible
| The array of product stoichiometric coefficients of reversible reactions.
| Element ``[k,i]`` of this array is the product stoichiometric coefficient
| of species ``k`` in reaction ``i``.
| For sparse output, set ``ct.use_sparse(True)``.
| reactant_stoich_coeffs
| The array of reactant stoichiometric coefficients. Element ``[k,i]`` of
| this array is the reactant stoichiometric coefficient of species ``k`` in
| reaction ``i``.
| For sparse output, set ``ct.use_sparse(True)``.
| .. versionchanged:: 3.0
| Method was changed to a property in Cantera 3.0.
| reactant_stoich_coeffs3
| The array of reactant stoichiometric coefficients. Element ``[k,i]`` of
| this array is the reactant stoichiometric coefficient of species ``k`` in
| reaction ``i``.
| For sparse output, set ``ct.use_sparse(True)``.
| .. deprecated:: 3.0
| Method to be removed after Cantera 3.0. Replaceable by
| `Kinetics.reactant_stoich_coeffs`
| reaction_phase_index
| The index of the phase where the reactions occur.
| .. deprecated:: 3.0
| After Cantera 3.0, the reacting phase is always the first phase associated
| with the Kinetics object. This method will be removed after Cantera 3.1.
| reverse_rate_constants
| Reverse rate constants for all reactions.
| The computed values include all temperature-dependent and pressure-dependent
| contributions. By default, third-body concentrations are only considered if
| they are part of the reaction rate definition; for a legacy implementation that
| includes third-body concentrations, see `use_legacy_rate_constants`.
| reverse_rates_of_progress
| Reverse rates of progress for the reactions. [kmol/m^3/s] for bulk
| phases or [kmol/m^2/s] for surface phases.
| reverse_rates_of_progress_ddC
| Calculate derivatives for reverse rates-of-progress with respect to molar
| concentration at constant temperature, pressure and mole fractions.
| .. warning::
| This property is an experimental part of the Cantera API and
| may be changed or removed without notice.
| reverse_rates_of_progress_ddCi
| Calculate derivatives for reverse rates-of-progress with respect to species
| concentrations at constant temperature, pressure and remaining species
| concentrations.
| For sparse output, set ``ct.use_sparse(True)``.
| Note that for derivatives with respect to :math:`c_i`, all other :math:`c_j`
| are held constant.
| .. warning::
| This property is an experimental part of the Cantera API and
| may be changed or removed without notice.
| .. versionadded:: 3.0
| reverse_rates_of_progress_ddP
| Calculate derivatives for reverse rates-of-progress with respect to pressure
| at constant temperature, molar concentration and mole fractions.
| reverse_rates_of_progress_ddT
| Calculate derivatives for reverse rates-of-progress with respect to temperature
| at constant pressure, molar concentration and mole fractions.
| reverse_rates_of_progress_ddX
| Calculate derivatives for reverse rates-of-progress with respect to species
| concentrations at constant temperature, pressure and molar concentration.
| For sparse output, set ``ct.use_sparse(True)``.
| Note that for derivatives with respect to :math:`X_i`, all other :math:`X_j`
| are held constant, rather than enforcing :math:`\sum X_j = 1`.
| .. warning::
| This property is an experimental part of the Cantera API and
| may be changed or removed without notice.
| third_body_concentrations
| Effective third-body concentrations used by individual reactions; values
| are only defined for reactions involving third-bodies and are set to
| not-a-number otherwise.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from cantera.thermo.ThermoPhase:
| __call__(self, /, *args, **kwargs)
| Call self as a function.
| add_species(self, species)
| Add a new species to this phase. Missing elements will be added
| automatically.
| add_species_alias(self, name, alias)
| Add the alternate species name ``alias`` for an original species ``name``.
| atomic_weight(self, m)
| Atomic weight [kg/kmol] of element ``m``
| element_index(self, element)
| The index of element ``element``, which may be specified as a string or
| an integer. In the latter case, the index is checked for validity and
| returned. If no such element is present, an exception is thrown.
| element_name(self, m)
| Name of the element with index ``m``.
| elemental_mass_fraction(self, m)
| Get the elemental mass fraction :math:`Z_{\mathrm{mass},m}` of element
| :math:`m` as defined by:
| .. math:: Z_{\mathrm{mass},m} = \sum_k \frac{a_{m,k} M_m}{M_k} Y_k
| with :math:`a_{m,k}` being the number of atoms of element :math:`m` in
| species :math:`k`, :math:`M_m` the atomic weight of element :math:`m`,
| :math:`M_k` the molecular weight of species :math:`k`, and :math:`Y_k`
| the mass fraction of species :math:`k`::
| >>> phase.elemental_mass_fraction('H')
| 1.0
| :param m:
| Base element, may be specified by name or by index.
| elemental_mole_fraction(self, m)
| Get the elemental mole fraction :math:`Z_{\mathrm{mole},m}` of element
| :math:`m` (the number of atoms of element m divided by the total number
| of atoms) as defined by:
| .. math:: Z_{\mathrm{mole},m} = \frac{\sum_k a_{m,k} X_k}
| {\sum_k \sum_j a_{j,k} X_k}
| with :math:`a_{m,k}` being the number of atoms of element :math:`m` in
| species :math:`k`, :math:`\sum_j` being a sum over all elements, and
| :math:`X_k` being the mole fraction of species :math:`k`::
| >>> phase.elemental_mole_fraction('H')
| 1.0
| :param m:
| Base element, may be specified by name or by index.
| equilibrate(self, XY, solver, rtol, max_steps, max_iter, estimate_equil, log_level)
| Set to a state of chemical equilibrium holding property pair
| ``XY`` constant.
| :param XY:
| A two-letter string, which must be one of the set::
| ['TP','TV','HP','SP','SV','UV']
| :param solver:
| Specifies the equilibrium solver to use. May be one of the following:
| * ``'element_potential'`` - a fast solver using the element potential
| method
| * ``'gibbs'`` - a slower but more robust Gibbs minimization solver
| * ``'vcs'`` - the VCS non-ideal equilibrium solver
| * ``'auto'`` - The element potential solver will be tried first, then
| if it fails the Gibbs solver will be tried.
| :param rtol:
| The relative error tolerance.
| :param max_steps:
| The maximum number of steps in composition to take to find a converged
| solution.
| :param max_iter:
| For the Gibbs minimization solver, this specifies the number of
| outer iterations on T or P when some property pair other
| than TP is specified.
| :param estimate_equil:
| Integer indicating whether the solver should estimate its own
| initial condition. If 0, the initial mole fraction vector in the
| `ThermoPhase` object is used as the initial condition. If 1, the
| initial mole fraction vector is used if the element abundances are
| satisfied. If -1, the initial mole fraction vector is thrown out,
| and an estimate is formulated.
| :param log_level:
| Set to a value greater than 0 to write diagnostic output.
| equivalence_ratio(self, fuel, oxidizer, basis, include_species)
| Get the equivalence ratio :math:`\phi` of the current mixture, which is a
| conserved quantity. Considers the oxidation of C to CO2, H to H2O
| and S to SO2. Other elements are assumed not to participate in oxidation
| (that is, N ends up as N2). If fuel and oxidizer are not specified, the
| equivalence ratio is computed from the available oxygen and the
| required oxygen for complete oxidation:
| .. math:: \phi = \frac{Z_{\mathrm{mole},C} + Z_{\mathrm{mole},S}
| + \frac{1}{4}Z_{\mathrm{mole},H}} {\frac{1}{2}Z_{\mathrm{mole},O}}
| where :math:`Z_{\mathrm{mole},e}` is the elemental mole fraction of element
| :math:`e`. If the fuel and oxidizer compositions are specified, :math:`\phi` is
| computed from:
| .. math:: \phi = \frac{Z}{1-Z}\frac{1-Z_{\mathrm{st}}}{Z_{\mathrm{st}}}
| where :math:`Z` is the Bilger mixture fraction and :math:`Z_{\mathrm{st}}`
| the Bilger mixture fraction at stoichiometric conditions.
| The ``basis`` determines the composition of fuel and oxidizer:
| ``basis='mole'`` (default) means mole fractions, ``basis='mass'`` means
| mass fractions. Note that this definition takes all species into account.
| In case certain species like inert diluents should be ignored, a
| list of species can be provided with ``include_species``. This means that
| only these species are considered for the computation of the equivalence
| ratio. For more information, see `Python example
| <>`_ ::
| >>> gas.set_equivalence_ratio(0.5, fuel='CH3:0.5, CH3OH:.5, N2:0.125', oxidizer='O2:0.21, N2:0.79, NO:0.01')
| >>> gas.equivalence_ratio(fuel='CH3:0.5, CH3OH:.5, N2:0.125', oxidizer='O2:0.21, N2:0.79, NO:0.01')
| 0.5
| :param fuel:
| Fuel species name or mole/mass fractions as string, array, or dict.
| :param oxidizer:
| Oxidizer species name or mole/mass fractions as a string, array, or dict.
| :param basis:
| Determines if ``fuel`` and ``oxidizer`` are given in mole fractions
| (``basis="mole"``) or mass fractions (``basis="mass"``)
| :param include_species:
| List of species names (optional). Only these species are considered for the
| computation of the equivalence ratio. By default, all species are considered
| find_isomers(self, comp)
| Find species/isomers matching a composition specified by ``comp``.
| mass_fraction_dict(self, threshold)
| Return a dictionary giving the mass fraction for each species by name where the
| mass fraction is greater than ``threshold``.
| mixture_fraction(self, fuel, oxidizer, basis, element)
| Get the mixture fraction of the current mixture in
| (kg fuel / (kg oxidizer + kg fuel)). This is a quantity that is conserved after
| oxidation. Considers the oxidation of C to CO2, H to H2O and S to SO2. Other
| elements are assumed not to participate in oxidation (that is, N ends up as N2).
| The ``basis`` determines the composition of fuel and oxidizer:
| ``basis="mole"`` (default) means mole fractions, ``basis="mass"`` means mass
| fractions. The mixture fraction can be computed from a single element (for
| example, carbon with ``element="C"``)
| .. math:: Z_m = \frac{Z_{\mathrm{mass},m}-Z_{\mathrm{mass},m,\mathrm{ox}}}
| {Z_{\mathrm{mass},\mathrm{fuel}}-Z_{\mathrm{mass},m,\mathrm{ox}}}
| where :math:`Z_{\mathrm{mass},m}` is the elemental mass fraction of
| element :math:`m` in the mixture, and :math:`Z_{\mathrm{mass},m,\mathrm{ox}}`
| and :math:`Z_{\mathrm{mass},\mathrm{fuel}}` are the elemental mass fractions of
| the oxidizer and fuel, or from the Bilger mixture fraction
| (``element="Bilger"``), which considers the elements C, S, H and O
| (R. W. Bilger, "Turbulent jet diffusion flames," Prog. Energy Combust. Sci.,
| 109-131 (1979)). The Bilger mixture fraction is computed by default:
| .. math:: Z_m = Z_{\mathrm{Bilger}} = \frac{\beta-\beta_{\mathrm{ox}}}
| {\beta_{\mathrm{fuel}}-\beta_{\mathrm{ox}}}
| with
| .. math:: \beta = 2\frac{Z_C}{M_C}+2\frac{Z_S}{M_S}+\frac{1}{2}\frac{Z_H}{M_H}
| - \frac{Z_O}{M_O}
| and :math:`M_m` the atomic weight of element :math:`m`.
| For more information, see `Python example
| <>`_.::
| >>> gas.set_mixture_fraction(0.5, 'CH3:0.5, CH3OH:0.5, N2:0.125', 'O2:0.21, N2:0.79, NO:0.01')
| >>> gas.mixture_fraction('CH3:0.5, CH3OH:0.5, N2:0.125', 'O2:0.21, N2:0.79, NO:.01')
| 0.5
| :param fuel:
| Fuel species name or mole/mass fractions as string, array, or dict.
| :param oxidizer:
| Oxidizer species name or mole/mass fractions as a string, array, or
| dict.
| :param basis:
| Determines if ``fuel`` and ``oxidizer`` are given in mole
| fractions (``basis='mole'``) or mass fractions (``basis='mass'``)
| :param element:
| Computes the mixture fraction from the specified elemental
| mass fraction (given by element name or element index) or as
| the Bilger mixture fraction (default)
| modify_species(self, k, species)
| Modify the thermodynamic data associated with a species. The species name,
| elemental composition, and type of thermo parameterization must be unchanged.
| mole_fraction_dict(self, threshold)
| Return a dictionary giving the mole fraction for each species by name where the
| mole fraction is greater than ``threshold``.
| n_atoms(self, species, element)
| Number of atoms of element ``element`` in species ``species``. The element
| and species may be specified by name or by index.
| >>> phase.n_atoms('CH4','H')
| 4
| report(self, show_thermo, threshold)
| Generate a report describing the thermodynamic state of this phase. To
| print the report to the terminal, simply call the phase object. The
| following two statements are equivalent::
| >>> phase()
| >>> print(
| set_discretized_electron_energy_distribution(self, levels, distribution)
| Set electron energy distribution. When this method is used, electron
| temperature is calculated from the distribution.
| :param levels:
| vector of electron energy levels [eV]
| :param distribution:
| vector of distribution
| set_equivalence_ratio(self, phi, fuel, oxidizer, basis, *, diluent, fraction)
| Set the composition to a mixture of ``fuel`` and ``oxidizer`` at the
| specified equivalence ratio ``phi``, holding temperature and pressure
| constant. Considers the oxidation of C to CO2, H to H2O and S to SO2.
| Other elements are assumed not to participate in oxidation (that is,
| N ends up as N2). The ``basis`` determines the fuel and oxidizer
| compositions: ``basis='mole'`` means mole fractions (default),
| ``basis='mass'`` means mass fractions. The fuel/oxidizer mixture can be
| be diluted by a ``diluent`` based on a mixing ``fraction``. The amount of
| diluent is quantified as a fraction of fuel, oxidizer or the fuel/oxidizer
| mixture. For more information, see `Python example
| <>`_ ::
| >>> gas.set_equivalence_ratio(0.5, 'CH4', 'O2:1.0, N2:3.76', basis='mole')
| >>> gas.mass_fraction_dict()
| {'CH4': 0.02837633052851, 'N2': 0.7452356312613, 'O2': 0.22638803821018}
| >>> gas.set_equivalence_ratio(1.2, 'NH3:0.8,CO:0.2', 'O2:1', basis='mole')
| >>> gas.mass_fraction_dict()
| {'CO': 0.14784006249290, 'NH3': 0.35956645545401, 'O2': 0.49259348205308}
| :param phi:
| Equivalence ratio
| :param fuel:
| Fuel species name or mole/mass fractions as string, array, or dict.
| :param oxidizer:
| Oxidizer species name or mole/mass fractions as a string, array, or dict.
| :param basis:
| Determines if ``fuel`` and ``oxidizer`` are given in mole
| fractions (``basis='mole'``) or mass fractions (``basis='mass'``).
| :param diluent:
| Optional parameter. Required if dilution is used. Specifies the composition
| of the diluent in mole/mass fractions as a string, array or dict.
| :param fraction:
| Optional parameter. Dilutes the fuel/oxidizer mixture with the diluent
| according to ``fraction``. Fraction can refer to the fraction of diluent in
| the mixture (for example ``fraction="diluent:0.7"`` will create a mixture
| with 30 % fuel/oxidizer and 70 % diluent), the fraction of fuel in the
| mixture (for example ``fraction="fuel:0.1"`` means that the mixture contains
| 10 % fuel. The amount of oxidizer is determined from the equivalence ratio
| and the remaining mixture is the diluent) or fraction of oxidizer in the
| mixture (for example ``fraction="oxidizer:0.1"``). The fraction itself is
| interpreted as mole or mass fraction based on ``basis``. The diluent is not
| considered in the computation of the equivalence ratio. Default is no
| dilution or ``fraction=None``. May be given as string or dictionary (for
| example ``fraction={"fuel":0.7}``).
| set_mixture_fraction(self, mixture_fraction, fuel, oxidizer, basis)
| Set the composition to a mixture of ``fuel`` and ``oxidizer`` at the
| specified mixture fraction ``mixture_fraction`` (kg fuel / kg mixture), holding
| temperature and pressure constant. Considers the oxidation of C to CO2,
| H to H2O and S to SO2. Other elements are assumed not to participate in
| oxidation (that is, N ends up as N2). The ``basis`` determines the composition
| of fuel and oxidizer: ``basis='mole'`` (default) means mole fractions,
| ``basis='mass'`` means mass fractions. For more information, see `Python
| example
| <>`_ ::
| >>> gas.set_mixture_fraction(0.5, 'CH4', 'O2:1.0, N2:3.76')
| >>> gas.mass_fraction_dict()
| {'CH4': 0.5, 'N2': 0.38350014242997776, 'O2': 0.11649985757002226}
| >>> gas.set_mixture_fraction(0.5, {'NH3':0.8, 'CO':0.2}, 'O2:1.0')
| >>> gas.mass_fraction_dict()
| {'CO': 0.145682068778996, 'NH3': 0.354317931221004, 'O2': 0.5}
| :param mixture_fraction:
| Mixture fraction (kg fuel / kg mixture)
| :param fuel:
| Fuel species name or mole/mass fractions as string, array, or dict.
| :param oxidizer:
| Oxidizer species name or mole/mass fractions as a string, array, or
| dict.
| :param basis: determines if ``fuel`` and ``oxidizer`` are given in mole
| fractions (``basis='mole'``) or mass fractions (``basis='mass'``)
| set_unnormalized_mass_fractions(self, Y)
| Set the mass fractions without normalizing to force ``sum(Y) == 1.0``.
| Useful primarily when calculating derivatives with respect to ``Y[k]`` by
| finite difference.
| set_unnormalized_mole_fractions(self, X)
| Set the mole fractions without normalizing to force ``sum(X) == 1.0``.
| Useful primarily when calculating derivatives with respect to ``X[k]``
| by finite difference.
| species(self, k)
| Return the `Species` object for species ``k``, where ``k`` is either the
| species index or the species name. If ``k`` is not specified, a list of
| all species objects is returned. Changes to this object do not affect
| the `ThermoPhase` or `Solution` object until the `modify_species`
| function is called.
| species_index(self, species)
| The index of species ``species``, which may be specified as a string or
| an integer. In the latter case, the index is checked for validity and
| returned. If no such species is present, an exception is thrown.
| species_name(self, k)
| Name of the species with index ``k``.
| stoich_air_fuel_ratio(self, fuel, oxidizer, basis)
| Get the stoichiometric air to fuel ratio (kg oxidizer / kg fuel). Considers the
| oxidation of C to CO2, H to H2O and S to SO2. Other elements are assumed
| not to participate in oxidation (that is, N ends up as N2).
| The ``basis`` determines the composition of fuel and oxidizer: ``basis='mole'`` (default)
| means mole fractions, ``basis='mass'`` means mass fractions::
| >>> gas.set_mixture_fraction(0.5, 'CH3:0.5, CH3OH:.5, N2:0.125', 'O2:0.21, N2:0.79, NO:0.01')
| >>> gas.stoich_air_fuel_ratio('CH3:0.5, CH3OH:.5, N2:0.125', 'O2:0.21, N2:0.79, NO:0.01')
| 8.148040722239438
| :param fuel:
| Fuel species name or mole/mass fractions as string, array, or dict.
| :param oxidizer:
| Oxidizer species name or mole/mass fractions as a string, array, or
| dict.
| :param basis:
| Determines if ``fuel`` and ``oxidizer`` are given in mole
| fractions (``basis='mole'``) or mass fractions (``basis='mass'``)
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors inherited from cantera.thermo.ThermoPhase:
| DP
| Get/Set density [kg/m^3] and pressure [Pa].
| Get/Set density [kg/m^3], pressure [Pa], and mole fractions.
| Get/Set density [kg/m^3], pressure [Pa], and mass fractions.
| HP
| Get/Set enthalpy [J/kg or J/kmol] and pressure [Pa].
| Get/Set enthalpy [J/kg or J/kmol], pressure [Pa] and mole fractions.
| Get/Set enthalpy [J/kg or J/kmol], pressure [Pa] and mass fractions.
| P
| Pressure [Pa].
| P_sat
| Saturation pressure [Pa] at the current temperature.
| Pe
| Get electron Pressure [Pa].
| SP
| Get/Set entropy [J/kg/K or J/kmol/K] and pressure [Pa].
| Get/Set entropy [J/kg/K or J/kmol/K], pressure [Pa], and mole fractions.
| Get/Set entropy [J/kg/K or J/kmol/K], pressure [Pa], and mass fractions.
| SV
| Get/Set entropy [J/kg/K or J/kmol/K] and specific volume [m^3/kg or
| m^3/kmol].
| Get/Set entropy [J/kg/K or J/kmol/K], specific volume [m^3/kg or
| m^3/kmol], and mole fractions.
| Get/Set entropy [J/kg/K or J/kmol/K], specific volume [m^3/kg or
| m^3/kmol], and mass fractions.
| T
| Temperature [K].
| TD
| Get/Set temperature [K] and density [kg/m^3 or kmol/m^3].
| Get/Set temperature [K], density [kg/m^3 or kmol/m^3], and mole
| fractions.
| Get/Set temperature [K] and density [kg/m^3 or kmol/m^3], and mass
| fractions.
| TP
| Get/Set temperature [K] and pressure [Pa].
| Get/Set temperature [K], pressure [Pa], and mole fractions.
| Get/Set temperature [K], pressure [Pa], and mass fractions.
| T_sat
| Saturation temperature [K] at the current pressure.
| Te
| Get/Set electron Temperature [K].
| UV
| Get/Set internal energy [J/kg or J/kmol] and specific volume
| [m^3/kg or m^3/kmol].
| Get/Set internal energy [J/kg or J/kmol], specific volume
| [m^3/kg or m^3/kmol], and mole fractions.
| Get/Set internal energy [J/kg or J/kmol], specific volume
| [m^3/kg or m^3/kmol], and mass fractions.
| X
| Get/Set the species mole fractions. Can be set as an array, as a dictionary,
| or as a string. Always returns an array::
| >>> phase.X = [0.1, 0, 0, 0.4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5]
| >>> phase.X = {'H2':0.1, 'O2':0.4, 'AR':0.5}
| >>> phase.X = 'H2:0.1, O2:0.4, AR:0.5'
| >>> phase.X
| array([0.1, 0, 0, 0.4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5])
| Y
| Get/Set the species mass fractions. Can be set as an array, as a dictionary,
| or as a string. Always returns an array::
| >>> phase.Y = [0.1, 0, 0, 0.4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5]
| >>> phase.Y = {'H2':0.1, 'O2':0.4, 'AR':0.5}
| >>> phase.Y = 'H2:0.1, O2:0.4, AR:0.5'
| >>> phase.Y
| array([0.1, 0, 0, 0.4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.5])
| activities
| Array of nondimensional activities. Returns either molar or molal
| activities depending on the convention of the thermodynamic model.
| activity_coefficients
| Array of nondimensional, molar activity coefficients.
| atomic_weights
| Array of atomic weight [kg/kmol] for each element in the mixture.
| basis
| Determines whether intensive thermodynamic properties are treated on a
| ``mass`` (per kg) or ``molar`` (per kmol) basis. This affects the values
| returned by the properties `h`, `u`, `s`, `g`, `v`, `density`, `cv`,
| and `cp`, as well as the values used with the state-setting properties
| such as `HPX` and `UV`.
| case_sensitive_species_names
| Enforce case-sensitivity for look up of species names
| charges
| Array of species charges [elem. charge].
| chemical_potentials
| Array of species chemical potentials [J/kmol].
| concentrations
| Get/Set the species concentrations. Units are kmol/m^3 for bulk phases, kmol/m^2
| for surface phases, and kmol/m for edge phases.
| cp
| Heat capacity at constant pressure [J/kg/K or J/kmol/K] depending
| on `basis`.
| cp_mass
| Specific heat capacity at constant pressure [J/kg/K].
| cp_mole
| Molar heat capacity at constant pressure [J/kmol/K].
| critical_density
| Critical density [kg/m^3 or kmol/m^3] depending on `basis`.
| critical_pressure
| Critical pressure [Pa].
| critical_temperature
| Critical temperature [K].
| cv
| Heat capacity at constant volume [J/kg/K or J/kmol/K] depending on
| `basis`.
| cv_mass
| Specific heat capacity at constant volume [J/kg/K].
| cv_mole
| Molar heat capacity at constant volume [J/kmol/K].
| density
| Density [kg/m^3 or kmol/m^3] depending on `basis`.
| density_mass
| (Mass) density [kg/m^3].
| density_mole
| Molar density [kmol/m^3].
| electric_potential
| Get/Set the electric potential [V] for this phase.
| electrochemical_potentials
| Array of species electrochemical potentials [J/kmol].
| electron_energy_distribution
| Electron energy distribution
| electron_energy_distribution_type
| Electron energy distribution type
| electron_energy_levels
| Electron energy levels [eV]
| element_names
| A list of all the element names.
| enthalpy_mass
| Specific enthalpy [J/kg].
| enthalpy_mole
| Molar enthalpy [J/kmol].
| entropy_mass
| Specific entropy [J/kg/K].
| entropy_mole
| Molar entropy [J/kmol/K].
| g
| Gibbs free energy [J/kg or J/kmol] depending on `basis`.
| gibbs_mass
| Specific Gibbs free energy [J/kg].
| gibbs_mole
| Molar Gibbs free energy [J/kmol].
| h
| Enthalpy [J/kg or J/kmol] depending on `basis`.
| has_phase_transition
| Returns true if the phase represents a substance with phase transitions
| int_energy_mass
| Specific internal energy [J/kg].
| int_energy_mole
| Molar internal energy [J/kmol].
| is_compressible
| Returns true if the density of the phase is an independent variable defining
| the thermodynamic state of a substance
| is_pure
| Returns true if the phase represents a pure (fixed composition) substance
| isothermal_compressibility
| Isothermal compressibility [1/Pa].
| isotropic_shape_factor
| Shape factor of isotropic-velocity distribution for electron energy
| max_temp
| Maximum temperature for which the thermodynamic data for the phase are
| valid.
| mean_electron_energy
| Mean electron energy [eV]
| mean_molecular_weight
| The mean molecular weight (molar mass) [kg/kmol].
| min_temp
| Minimum temperature for which the thermodynamic data for the phase are
| valid.
| molecular_weights
| Array of species molecular weights (molar masses) [kg/kmol].
| n_electron_energy_levels
| Number of electron energy levels
| n_elements
| Number of elements.
| n_selected_species
| Number of species selected for output (by slicing of Solution object)
| n_species
| Number of species.
| normalize_electron_energy_distribution_enabled
| Automatically normalize electron energy distribution
| partial_molar_cp
| Array of species partial molar specific heat capacities at constant
| pressure [J/kmol/K].
| partial_molar_enthalpies
| Array of species partial molar enthalpies [J/kmol].
| partial_molar_entropies
| Array of species partial molar entropies [J/kmol/K].
| partial_molar_int_energies
| Array of species partial molar internal energies [J/kmol].
| partial_molar_volumes
| Array of species partial molar volumes [m^3/kmol].
| phase_of_matter
| Get the thermodynamic phase (gas, liquid, etc.) at the current conditions.
| quadrature_method
| Quadrature method
| reference_pressure
| Reference state pressure [Pa].
| s
| Entropy [J/kg/K or J/kmol/K] depending on `basis`.
| sound_speed
| Speed of sound [m/s].
| species_names
| A list of all the species names.
| standard_concentration_units
| Get standard concentration units for this phase.
| standard_cp_R
| Array of nondimensional species standard-state specific heat capacities
| at constant pressure at the current temperature and pressure.
| standard_enthalpies_RT
| Array of nondimensional species standard-state enthalpies at the
| current temperature and pressure.
| standard_entropies_R
| Array of nondimensional species standard-state entropies at the
| current temperature and pressure.
| standard_gibbs_RT
| Array of nondimensional species standard-state Gibbs free energies at
| the current temperature and pressure.
| standard_int_energies_RT
| Array of nondimensional species standard-state internal energies at the
| current temperature and pressure.
| state
| Get/Set the full thermodynamic state as a single array, arranged as
| [temperature, density, mass fractions] for most phases. Useful mainly
| in cases where it is desired to store many states in a multidimensional
| array.
| state_size
| Return size of vector defining internal state of the phase.
| thermal_expansion_coeff
| Thermal expansion coefficient [1/K].
| thermo_model
| Return thermodynamic model describing phase.
| u
| Internal energy in [J/kg or J/kmol].
| v
| Specific volume [m^3/kg or m^3/kmol] depending on `basis`.
| volume_mass
| Specific volume [m^3/kg].
| volume_mole
| Molar volume [m^3/kmol].
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data and other attributes inherited from cantera.thermo.ThermoPhase:
| __pyx_vtable__ = <capsule object NULL>
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Methods inherited from cantera.solutionbase._SolutionBase:
| __copy__(self)
| __del__(self)
| __getitem__(self, key, /)
| Return self[key].
| __getstate__(self)
| Save complete information of the current phase for pickling.
| __setstate__(self, pkl)
| Restore Solution from pickled information.
| clear_user_data(self)
| Clear all saved input data, so that the data given by `input_data` or
| `write_yaml` will only include values generated by Cantera based on the
| current object state.
| clear_user_header(self)
| Clear all saved header data, so that the data given by `input_header` or
| `write_yaml` will only include values generated by Cantera based on the
| current object state.
| update_user_data(self, data)
| Add the contents of the provided `dict` as additional fields when generating
| YAML phase definition files with `write_yaml` or in the data returned by
| `input_data`. Existing keys with matching names are overwritten.
| update_user_header(self, data)
| Add the contents of the provided `dict` as additional top-level YAML fields
| when generating files with `write_yaml` or in the data returned by
| `input_header`. Existing keys with matching names are overwritten.
| write_chemkin(self, mechanism_path, thermo_path, transport_path, sort_species, sort_elements, overwrite)
| Write this `~cantera.Solution` instance to one or more Chemkin-format files.
| See the documentation for `cantera.yaml2ck.convert` for information about the
| arguments to this function.
| write_yaml(self, filename, phases, units, precision, skip_user_defined, header)
| Write the definition for this phase, any additional phases specified,
| and their species and reactions to the specified file.
| :param filename:
| The name of the output file; if ``None``, a YAML string is returned
| :param phases:
| Additional ThermoPhase / Solution objects to be included in the
| output file
| :param units:
| A `UnitSystem` object or dictionary of the units to be used for
| each dimension.
| See `YamlWriter.output_units <cantera.YamlWriter.output_units>`.
| :param precision:
| For output floating point values, the maximum number of digits to
| the right of the decimal point. The default is 15 digits.
| :param skip_user_defined:
| If `True`, user-defined fields which are not used by Cantera will
| be stripped from the output. These additional contents can also be
| controlled using the `update_user_data` and `clear_user_data` functions.
| :param header:
| If `True`, fields of the `input_header` will be added to the YAML header;
| note that fields name ``generator``, ``cantera-version``, ``git-commit``
| and ``date`` are reserved, which means that any existing data are
| replaced by automatically generated content when the file is written.
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------
| Data descriptors inherited from cantera.solutionbase._SolutionBase:
| composite
| Returns tuple of thermo/kinetics/transport models associated with
| this SolutionBase object.
| input_data
| Get input data corresponding to the current state of this Solution,
| along with any user-specified data provided with its input (YAML)
| definition.
| input_header
| Retrieve input header data not associated with the current state of this
| Solution, which corresponds to fields at the root level of the YAML input
| that are not required for the instantiation of Cantera objects.
| name
| The name assigned to this object. The default value corresponds
| to the YAML input file phase entry.
| selected_species
| Get/set the set of species that are included when returning results that have
| a value for each species, such as `species_names <cantera.ThermoPhase.species_names>`,
| `partial_molar_enthalpies <cantera.ThermoPhase.partial_molar_enthalpies>`, or
| `net_production_rates <cantera.Kinetics.net_production_rates>`. The list of
| selected species can be set by name or index. This property returns the
| species by index.::
| >>> gas.selected_species = ["H2", "O2"]
| >>> print(gas.molecular_weights)
| [ 2.016 31.998]
| This method is often used implicitly by using an indexing expression on a
| `Solution` object::
| >>> print(gas["H2", "O2"].molecular_weights)
| [ 2.016 31.998]
| source
| The source of this object (such as a file name).