@details Mechanism made for various operating conditions of CH4/H2 reacting with air. @author Antoine Pestre @date 15/12/2020 @since 2.3_avbp @detailed_mechanism Polimi scheme C1C3_NOx_180501 @fuel CH4, H2 @oxidizer Air @cases/errors 1D premixed flame P:0.3–5 bar, T:233–650K, phi:0.5–1.6 E(sl)<5%, E(T max)<1%,E(YCO2_final)<1%,E(YH2O_final)<1%,E(YCO_final)<1%. 0D auto-ignition P:0.3–1 bar, T:2000K–3000K, phi:1. E(tig)<5%. 1D flamelets P:1 bar, T:300K, chist:1e-3–25 s^-1. E(HR int)<5%, E(T max)<5% @publications Antoine Pestre, PhD thesis, 2023. @others H2/air laminar flame speed may slightly differ from the detailed mechanism on the rich side.