#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 import sys import numpy as np import cantera as ct import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import * gas = ct.Solution('gri30.yaml') gas.TPX = 1250, ct.one_atm, 'CH4:0.5, O2:1, N2:3.76' # Initial temperatures Temperature_range = list(range(800, 1700, 100)) # Specify the number of time steps and the time step size nt = 100000 dt = 1.e-4 # s # Storing auto ignitions auto_ignitions = [] for index, Temperature in enumerate(Temperature_range): ################################################################# # Initial temperature, Pressure and stoichiometry gas.TPX = Temperature, ct.one_atm, 'CH4:0.5, O2:1, N2:3.76' # Create the batch reactor r = ct.IdealGasReactor(gas) # Now create a reactor network consisting of the single batch reactor sim = ct.ReactorNet([r]) # Storage space mfrac = [] # ... time = [] temperature = [] HR = [] # Run the simulation # Initial simulation time current_time = 0.0 # Loop for nt time steps of dt seconds. for n in range(nt): current_time += dt sim.advance(current_time) time.append(current_time) temperature.append(r.T) mfrac.append(r.thermo.Y) HR.append(- np.dot(gas.net_production_rates, gas.partial_molar_enthalpies)) ################################################################# # Catch the autoignition timing ################################################################# # Get the ignition delay time by the maximum value of the Heat Release rate auto_ignition = time[HR.index(max(HR))] print('For T = ' + str(Temperature) + ', Autoignition time = ' + str(auto_ignition) + ' s') # Posterity FinalTemp = temperature[nt - 1] auto_ignitions.append(auto_ignition) # ################################################################# # # Save results # ################################################################# # # write output CSV file for importing into Excel # csv_file = '3-Output/Phi-1_P-1_T-' + str(Temperature) + '_UV.csv' # with open(csv_file, 'w') as outfile: # writer = csv.writer(outfile) # writer.writerow(['Auto ignition time [s]', 'Final Temperature [K]'] + gas.species_names) # writer.writerow([auto_ignition, FinalTemp] + list(mfrac[:])) # print('output written to ' + csv_file) T_invert = [1000 / Temperature for Temperature in Temperature_range] plt.plot(Temperature_range, auto_ignitions, 'b-o') plt.xlabel(r'Temperature [K]', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel("Auto ignition [s]", fontsize=20) plt.yscale('log') plt.title(r'Autoignition of $CH_{4}$ + Air mixture at $\Phi$ = 1, and P = 1 bar', fontsize=22, horizontalalignment='center') plt.axis(fontsize=20) plt.grid() plt.show()