#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # import cantera as ct import numpy as np import csv from matplotlib import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys gas = ct.Solution('Mechanisms/mech.yaml') T = 300.0 # Temperature P = 101325.0 # Pressure phi_min = 0.3 # Minimal equivalence ratio phi_max = 3.5 # Maximal equivalence ratio npoints = 50 # Point in-between the two preceeding values fuel_species = 'C2H4' # fuel species air_N2_O2_molar_ratio = 3.76 # ratio representing the air phi = np.zeros(npoints) # 1D array tad = np.zeros(npoints) # 1D array xeq = np.zeros((gas.n_species, npoints)) # 2D array for i in range(npoints): gas.TP = T, P phi[i] = phi_min + (phi_max - phi_min) * i / (npoints - 1) gas.set_equivalence_ratio(phi[i], {fuel_species: 1}, {'O2': 1, 'N2': air_N2_O2_molar_ratio}) gas.equilibrate('HP') # Equilibrate the mixture adiabatically at constant P with the solver vcs xeq[:, i] = gas.X tad[i] = gas.T print("At phi = ","%10.4f"% (phi[i])+ " Tad = ","%10.4f"% (tad[i])) csv_file = '2-Output/yourfile.csv' with open(csv_file, 'w') as outfile: writer = csv.writer(outfile) writer.writerow(['Phi', 'T (K)'] + gas.species_names) for i in range(npoints): writer.writerow([phi[i], tad[i]] + list(xeq[:, i])) print("Output written to", "%s" % csv_file) rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (14, 10) plt.plot(phi, tad, '-') plt.title(r'Tad vs. $\Phi$ for $C_{2}H_{4}/Air$ flames') plt.xlabel(r'$\Phi$', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel("Adiabatic flame temperature (K)") plt.grid() plt.show() plt.savefig('2-Output/plot_tad.png', bbox_inches='tight') for i, cas in enumerate(gas.species_names): if cas in ['O2','CO2','CO']: plt.plot(phi,xeq[i,:], label = cas) plt.xlabel('Equivalence ratio') plt.ylabel('Mole fractions') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.show()